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The Tapestry of Life

The Tapestry of Life

By The Soul

The Tapestry of Life

Life is a fleeting flame,  

A spark that ignites the game  

Of birth and growth, of joy and pain,  

Of love and loss, and everything in between.  

It's a journey we all must take,  

With winding roads and paths that break  

Through mountains high and valleys low,  

Where shadows lurk and sunlight glows.  

Sometimes it's smooth and sometimes rough,  

Sometimes we soar and sometimes we're stuck,  

But with every step we take, we learn and grow,  

And every fall we take, we rise and glow.  

Life is a tapestry of hues,  

Of vibrant reds and calming blues,  

Of fiery oranges and soothing greens,  

Of golden yellows and mystical purples in between.  

It's a canvas we all must paint,  

With brushes and strokes that may be faint,  

But with every stroke we make, we leave a mark,  

And with every color we use, we make a spark.  

Life is a gift we all receive,  

A treasure we should all perceive,  

With grateful hearts and open minds,  

With loving souls and willing hands to bind.  

So let's live life to the fullest,  

Embrace its blessings and its tests,  

For every moment we have is precious,  

And every breath we take is a conquest.

Recommended reading: Love's Eternal Flame

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